quick pcap transformation
Mon 30 June 2014

result of a transformation (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
As many people working with network protocol, I use pcap library and write C code to manipulate packets. After several days testing my library on pcap file, I found that the traffic on which I have to run my program is encapsulated in pcapng files and I don’t want to rewrite my code.
A great tool to magically transform a pcap file from one format to another is editcap. It is part of wireshark distribution.Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download
In my case, I just need:
editcap -F libpcap file.pcanp file.pcap
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Five Reasons to Move to the Pcapng Capture Format (by Jason Walls)
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Wireshark and Pcap-ng
Category: how to Tagged: Pcap Programming Wireshark network security programming tools