search engine part II
Wed 06 May 2015

Searching (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Few month ago, I wrote a post about search engines . I recently tested a meta-engine. I think it is time for an update. This search engine is searx .
There is a AUR package called searx-git . I just installed it as an AUR. No unusual difficulties. Take care of python dependencies: the version of python required is 2.7
Most of the setting part consist in editing settings.yml . The file is well documented and easy to understand. You may find it, along with the rest of your searx-installation, under /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages 1
If you have python3 installed, you may have some trouble. I run searx using the command:
python2 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/searx/
You may then connect to http://localhost:8888 .
I tried to compare the results for diferents queries on different searx nodes. Public nodes I tried are
The differences I notice came from the search engines activated. There are other that may come from the lag, as performing the same request a second time after few seconds results in results from some search engine appearing on the first page.
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Category: tools Tagged: Arch Linux ArchLinux Search Web search engine