R convert IPv4 adresses to binary
Mon 07 July 2014

binary conversion (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I want to retrieve the binary representation (as a string of 0 and 1) of an IPv4 address ( human readable string representation) using only R functions.
The following steps and functions can be used:
step | tool |
separate each octet | strsplit(x, split=”[.]”) |
convert integer to binary | as.integer(intToBits(x)) |
reunite all the octet | paste0(x, collapse=””) |
the result is:
## # give the representation of an IPv4 in binary # @param ip ipv4 # @return a string made of 1 and 0 manu.IPv4tobin <- function(ip){ r=unlist(strsplit(ip, split="[.]")) paste0(unlist(lapply(r, function(x){rev(as.integer(intToBits(x)))[25:32]})), collapse="") }
Category: how to Tagged: IP address IPv4 how to programming R