LaTeX mindmap
Tue 09 June 2015
The canonical way to draw a mindmap in seems to be using the
ad-hoc tikz module.
Quick beginner guide
- use the tikz package adding in the preamble usepackage{tikz}
- load the mindmap module using usetikzlibrary{mindmap}
- begin your tikz picture with begin{tikzpicture}[mindmap] (you may add others options) and end it with end{tikzpicture}
- begin your root node with node[concept] and end it with a semicolon
- add child node with child[]{node[concept]{}}
- think of the nodes’ background color (black text on black background is not recommended)
- if your mindmap is big, you may consider using and empty page style
- the default expand direction is not necessarily the right one, and
child node inherit of their parent’s default expand direction. You
may consider change it at least for the
Simple working example
This is my simple working example . There are many more that can be found on the Internet.
The code:
\begin{tikzpicture}[mindmap, concept color=red!50]
\node[concept]{Big root}
child[grow=0] {node[concept]{Lorem}
child {node[concept]{Ipsum}}
child {node[concept]{Dolor}}
child {node[concept]{Sit met}}}
child[grow=45] {node[concept]{Concecteur}
child {node[concept]{Preasent}}
child {node[concept]{Hendredit}}
child {node[concept]{Sapien}}}
child[grow=90] {node[concept]{Ut eros}
child {node[concept]{Tincidunt}}
child {node[concept]{In rutrum}}}
child[grow=135] {node[concept]{nunc lobortis} []
child {node[concept]{Nunc aliquet blandit}
child {node[concept]{Velit a pharetra}}}}
child[grow=180] {node[concept]{Proi interdum}}
child[grow=-45] {node[concept]{Sem non tempor}}
child[grow=-90] {node[concept]{Fusce eu}
child {node[concept]{Nisi sem}}}
child[grow=-135] {node[concept]{Proin convallis}
child {node[concept]{Felis quis lustuc}}
child {node[concept]{Tristique}
child {node[concept]{Ante diam rhoncus lorem}}}}
\node[extra concept] at (0,-15) {Condimentum}
child[grow=right, concept color=gray!50] {node[extra concept]{Varius}}