UTF8, base64 and other encoding conversion

Sat 30 April 2016

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="100" class="zemanta-img"]A/D and D/A conversion. encoding conversion (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]

A common way to represent binary files in ascii-only diplay is to use base64. This is also done a piece of software does not handle unicode: it manipulate its base64 representation.

Let's take as example this 2 binary sequence represented in base64:
6YCZ5YCL57ay56uZ5piv576O6bqX55qECg== and dGhpcyB3ZWJzaXRlIGlzIGJlYXV0aWZ1bAo=
  • to text/unicode: echo '6YCZ5YCL57ay56uZ5piv576O6bqX55qECg==' | base64 -d echo 'dGhpcyB3ZWJzaXRlIGlzIGJlYXV0aWZ1bAo=' | base64 -d
  • to text/unicode: echo '6YCZ5YCL57ay56uZ5piv576O6bqX55qECg==' | base64 -d | xxd -p -i | sed -e's/, //g' echo 'dGhpcyB3ZWJzaXRlIGlzIGJlYXV0aWZ1bAo=' | base64 -d | xxd -p -i | sed -e's/, //g'
  • from hex: echo 'e98099e5808be7b6b2e7ab99e698afe7be8ee9ba97e79a840a' | xxd -p -r
  • mix hex and ascii to ascii: echo -e 'this\x20website\x20is\x20bueatiful'

Category: tools Tagged: ASCII Base64 Binary file Linux Unix-like tools unix-like

chroot pre/post requests

Wed 05 February 2014

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="350"]roots changed roots (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]

The chroot command is quite simple but I almost always forget all the prerequest and post-chroot checks that should be done to have a fully operational chrooted environment.

The, chroot operation consist in changing the apparent root of …

Category: how to Tagged: Chroot Linux

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